Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I never grew up participating in lent and to this day it still doesn't quite strike a chord with me... I think it is because I can't wrap my head around giving something up to bring myself closer to God only to allow that thing back into my life once the lent season is over. I guess I am kind of a radical when it comes to these kinds of things... I'm about all or nothing I guess you could say... however... I believe in change for the better and discipline. I absolutely understand the symbolism and the wonderful meaning behind lent and do not condemn those who seriously practice it. I really do admire those who are serious about the things they give up for lent/evaluate about themselves and I even more so admire those who actually carry it out afterwards. With that, if lent is something that brings you closer to God then I say that is wonderful... we all should be doing something to bring us closer to God... and guess what... you don't even have to participate in lent to do it!

I have been thinking lately, even though I don't participate in lent, what on earth am I doing on a daily basis to better equip myself as a follower of Christ? If I so strongly believe in discipline and being closer to God, then I need to have something to show for it. So here goes a story with a bunch of conclusions...

With all the wedding planning, full-time job, absent fiancé... things have been rough for me. If you don't know me very well, I don't handle stress really at all. I freak out, clam up, get angry, break down, cry, become irrational... I think you get the picture. As I was having one of these moments I just broke down and I cried asking God to just take it from me and help me deal. As the prideful person that I can be that was hard for me to do. For some odd crazy reason I like to wallow in my self pity and hurt (sounds awesome right), become a lazy recluse and deal on my own. So after this last meltdown I finally realized (good grief) that it was time to really let go (because the last time I said I was letting go I held on so tightly to that little jagged piece as it was falling away). I came to the conclusion (as though the last few sentences weren't conclusions) that the reason(s) I really stress and freak out is because I am not in the word everyday like I should be and I don't ask God for help. Simple as that. I need to stop making things harder than they need to be.

So I am vowing first to start asking God more for help/trusting His plan, secondly to give up the stress that the enemy has enticed me with and thirdly read through the entire bible in 90-ish days. I will try my very hardest to read during the wedding week and honeymoon haha! Then after that I will re-evaluate where I am and surely find that I still need a lot of work and will continue to pursue being more Christ-like. Because ultimately that is always my goal.

Here is to every day being a form of the "lent season" and always seeking to be better than we can be on our own.

God Bless!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I love to make

By request of my dear friend Mckenzi, author of the .all you need is love. blog http://www.blogger.com/profile/08567477725998841950, I am now attempting to create my second post....

Naturally, I have always loved and made homemade cards. Not only are they sweet, they are extremely personal -- and I am all about personal! I know this is not for everyone, but for me I find joy in making a card specifically for someone... heck... I just love making things for people in general. My Co-teacher (Connie) at the daycare/pre-school I work at has told me a few times that whenever I am frustrated or having a bad day, I immediately start creating something and a light shines from me. It is so true and it is crazy how we are all wired so differently.

This past weekend was my friend McKenzi's 24th birthday. I really wanted to make her something that represented her spirit and her faith so I hand drew her a little something. I am really glad that God gave me this artistic ability because I love giving gifts -- and because financially I can't afford to give as much as I would like. I'm hoping she really liked it. (**note: I told you the Psalm 91:4 verse would lead into a second post!)

Example of how much I love making cards!
(McKenzi's birthday card)

McKenzi's gift
(hand-drawn / watercolored)

To end today's post I would like to leave you (whoever you are) with a Valentine's Day card (which is not very Valentiney) I came up with on a whim. But first, let me give you the background behind this idea. I have been pondering the concept of love having no boundaries. This idea is so very prevalent in my life at the moment because of the career my sweetheart has chosen. He travels A LOT and there is a big chance we will have to move away from my family and friends so he can really pursue it. If I truly love him and believe in him then I will follow him... to the ends of the earth. PEACE and LOVE my friends... HAPPY (day before) VALENTINE'S DAY!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I'm a... Blogger?

This world of blogging is so very new and weird to me. I'm still a little unsure of the thought of my thoughts (HA.) being available to the world, however I like the idea of sharing my ideas and talents. 

If you don't know me already, I am a Christ Follower. In addition to my beliefs I lead worship at my church and teach 4/5 year olds at a Christian Pre-School/Daycare. I am the soon to be wife of a man who is in the up and coming Christian band Samestate. My life is far from normal... err... at least parts of it. 

I'm sure I will blog about all that eventually, but today I will leave you with this quote (which will surely lead into another post in the next few days).

"He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
 his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."

Psalm 91:4 (NIV)